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Worm Ex Plus 5 gr

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What is Worm Ex Plus 5 gr?

Worm Ex Plus 5 gr is an internal parasite medicine for poultry.

What is the use of Worm Ex Plus 5 gr?

It is recommended to use Biozyme probiotic and Fagel Multivitamin after treatments.
In pigeons, feather and roundworm infestation (Capilarias spp and Ascaridia spp) causes weight loss in birds. Pigeons that are heavily infested appear in poor general condition, are tired, with dull, wrinkled feathers, and exhibit variable consistency in droppings, appearing lifeless.

How to use Worm Ex Plus 5 gr?

For 1 or 2 days, add 1 sachet to 2 liters of drinking water (for 40 pigeons).

How to use Worm Ex Plus 5 gr?

Use 2 teaspoons for 1 liter of drinking water.
Use for a period of 5 days.

How to store Worm Ex Plus 5 gr?

It should be stored in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.

What is the price of Worm Ex Plus 5 gr?

Our site is up-to-date. You can find the prices of the products on our site.

What is the wholesale price of Worm Ex Plus 5 gr?

You need to apply for a dealership to see our wholesale prices.
Your dealership application is approved on the same day.

Where is Worm Ex Plus 5 gr sold?

You can securely obtain it from our site.

Worm Ex Plus 5 gr reviews

You can check the product reviews on our site.

Worm Ex Plus 5 gr trendyol

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Worm Ex Plus 5 gr hepsiburada

You can securely obtain it from our Hepsiburada store.

Worm Ex Plus 5 gr n11

You can securely obtain it from our N11 store.

Worm Ex Plus 5 gr pazarama

You can securely obtain it from our Pazarama store.

Worm Ex Plus 5 gr idefix

You can securely obtain it from our Idefix store.

Worm Ex Plus 5 gr amazon

You can securely obtain it from our Amazon store.

Worm Ex Plus 5 gr pttavm

You can securely obtain it from our Pttavm store.

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